

Working to facilitate public transparency and accountability with respect to the Sheriff’s Department.

LA County Recovers

Residents impacted by the multiple wildfires in LA County can view recovery resources by visiting recovery.lacounty.gov.

February 10th Budget Conference

The Los Angeles County Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission will host a virtual conference to discuss the Sheriff's Department's budget priorities and unmet needs for Fiscal Year 2025-2026.  Click here to register for the event, scheduled on February 10, 2025, Monday, 9:00a.m.-10:30a.m. 

Community members are invited to share their feedback on the budget requests during the virtual conference and/or submit written public comment online before February 11, 2025, Tuesday.

February 13th Special Meeting

The Los Angeles County Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission will host a hybrid online and in-person Special Meeting to discuss access to confidential information, proposed changes to the Los Angeles County Code that would impact the Commission, and other items. The agenda will be posted shortly. Click here to register

February 20th Business Meeting

The Los Angeles County Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission will host a hybrid online and in-person business meeting on February 20th, 2025, Thursday, 9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. at St. Anne’s Conference Center on 155 N. Occidental Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90026. Click here to register. The agenda will be posted shortly.

February 27th Town Hall

The Los Angeles County Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission will hold a town hall listening session to hear public feedback on the Sheriff Department's response to the 2024 World Series and playoff celebrations in East LA, and about the use of the Fort Apache logo at the East LA Sheriff’s station. This free event will be held on February 27th, 2025, 6-8:30 p.m., at the East LA Service Center on 133 N. Sunol Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90063. Click here to register.  


On January, 12, 2016 the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted to implement a Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission with the mission to improve public transparency and accountability with respect to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. The Commission is comprised of nine members representing the Board, with four members of the Commission recommended by community and other affiliated groups. The cornerstone of the Commission’s work is community engagement and such engagement is encouraged and valued.

To make a complaint or commendation, please click below to visit the Office of Inspector General (OIG) website. Commendations or complaints concerning the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department will be referred to the OIG.

Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission

The Sheriff Civilian Oversight Commission is authorized by Chapter 3.79 of the Los Angeles County Code. The purpose of the Commission is to improve public transparency and accountability with respect to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, by providing robust opportunities for community engagement, ongoing analysis and oversight of the department's policies, practices, procedures, and advice to the Board of Supervisors, the Sheriff's Department and the public.

Justice Martin Luther King Quote

Family Impact Remarks

At each Commission meeting, there is allotted time for the families who have lost loved ones due to a fatal use of force by the Sheriff’s Department to speak. To submit a request, please review the Family Impact Remarks procedure and email cocnotify@coc.lacounty.gov.

Reporting Hate To 211 LA County

Reporting is the first step to stop hate. By understanding how and where hate is occurring, our communities can respond with appropriate resources and support. It is essential to report a hate incident, which includes any act of verbal or physical aggression, refusal of service, bullying, or intimidation of any kind that is motivated by hostile prejudice. Learn more and submit a report.