Immigration Policy
Immigration Policy
The Immigration Ad Hoc Committee presented a draft report and proposed recommendations at the November 15, 2018 Commission meeting. The report recognized that the Sheriff’s Department has made substantial improvements to ensure adherence with policies, practices and procedures associated with immigrant populations and in accordance with the California Values, Trust and Truth Acts.
The committee has thoroughly reviewed and analyzed the Department’s adherence to immigration policies since the Board of Supervisor’s request on January 10, 2017. The Committee conducted on-site custody facility tours of the inmate reception center release area and observed deputies during ride-a-longs.
The Committee also reviewed the Sheriff’s Department public website, policies, manuals, legislation and immigration-related materials. Community feedback was secured through a series of meetings including town halls and Community Feedback Speakers meeting on January 30, 2018.
After working closely with the Office of the Inspector General and the Auditor-Controller, the Committee proposed 12 recommendations to be more proactive in its approach to its immigration policies. The report also includes a recommendation to examine the use of County resources involved in responding to ICE detainers and explore seeking reimbursement from the federal government for these costs.
The Commission voted on and approved the final report at the May, 21 2019 Commission meeting. The Commission will now submit these recommendations to the Board of Supervisors and the Sheriff’s Department for consideration.